“It’s funny how sometimes you meet people that you immediately have a connection with, and even though you don’t see each other often, every time you do meet, the conversation is great, smiles all around and you leave with just a really good feeling. That’s how it has been with Mirte van Dijk (www.mvdmedia.com), a Dutch snowboarder, adventurer, travel journalist, content creator, creative and much more I have yet to discover. We met Mirte for the first time when she was an agent for Burton Snowboards in the Netherlands; she provided us with a few testboards we were able to review. Since that first time we kept running into each other in various places, Freeride Film festivals, trade shows and such, and we followed all here adventurous exploits through her social media intensively. Every time we spoke we always said: “We need to team up, find a project we can do together!” Last week in Friedrichshafen, we met again, and out of nowhere really, we found our project.
Mirte: “You don’t meet people with the same enthusiasm as the guys from GearLimits that often. So when you keep running into each other and have a good connection that could work out professionally, you just have to follow up on that. With me and Seb on the road, we like to add something to the great purpose and concept of GearLimits. Maybe from a different perspective, a different angle, but definitely trying to be useful to all of those who are getting out there on an adventure of their own with the right equipment and tools.”
“We were really impressed by the adventure in Mongolia she had just returned from with her partner Seb Jam (www.sebjam.com), a very talented (pro)snowboarder, freeboarder and videographer. And they told us of their current project, travelling around with an old Citroen HY – aka Mr. H – visiting the most beautiful places in Europe and looking for adventures. We quickly decided we wanted to support Mirte and Seb on this really cool project. Helping free spirits remain free is just a thing we all should try to do and what GearLimits stands for. And during those adventures, Mirte will share with us her experience with some of the gear she is using very intensively.”
Mirte: “Being a digital nomad is never working out without working together with great minds that think alike. Mark and Hayco have been smiling their biggest smiles every time we talked about work. Now that’s a mindset that we share and can work with. Work becomes hobby, hobby becomes work. And GearLimits is not only living that, they stimulate and follow up on it. So weather you think or talk about adventure and discovery, there is always gear involved that makes things fit. Let’s give it an honest review, coming from honest adventures.”
“Seb will be introducing us, and you, beloved reader and follower of GearLimits, to the amazing world of longboarding and freeboarding. We will be building on his knowledge to add a new segment on longboarding/freeboarding to our GearGuide and sharing some reviews on this actions sport with us in the future. Seb is also part of the organization that puts together the biggest freeboarding event in the world, the Lausanne Slopestyle, that will take place on the 1st and 2nd of July.”
Seb: “People often call me a ‘destroyer’. Most of my gear always ends up broken or in a bad state. This is kinda my special touch. Meeting the team of GearLimits finally gave a meaning to this special quality of mine. Mark and Hayco, as their company, share the same passion as me: looking for limits of products. Some brands like to call their gear indestructible, GearLimits is here to accept that challenge. It will be a pleasure to try to find the border between indestructible and ‘could do better’ together with them to give you a true idea of what is out there on the market.”
So there you go, some things are meant to be: we are very exited about teaming up with Mirte and Seb in this way. Very cool and inspiring content coming your way soon!”
Bij GearLimits geloven we dat goed materiaal leidt tot betere prestaties, meer plezier en hogere veiligheid. Voor elke sporter die zijn grenzen wil verleggen en zijn plezier wil vergroten is dit een must. GearLimits helpt je hierbij.
Bij GearLimits geloven we dat goed materiaal leidt tot betere prestaties, meer plezier en hogere veiligheid. Voor elke sporter die zijn grenzen wil verleggen en zijn plezier wil vergroten is dit een must. GearLimits helpt je hierbij.
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