
Throwback Thursday: Video Haglöfs Touring in Sogndal

In 2015 we had the good fortune to attend the Haglöfs Arctic weekend in Riksgransen. With many wintersports enthousiasts and Haglöfs friends were there. Shortly afterwards I found this great video online of one of the friends we met Asbjørn Eggebø Næss skitouring in Sogndal, Norway. I really love this video because it keeps reminding me of the tour we did in Riksgransen (me on a splitboard) with one of the other Haglöfs friends. The calm but steady pace we set, the silence of those mountains, just amazing. We came across a little cabin, not inlike the one in the video, and stayed for lunch. I just love the fact that the cabin in the video is just completely covered in snow, and that the guys have to dig it out completely. The next morning brings coffee and silence of the mountain. And then a last push to the top and skiing… The skiing in this video is just amazing; at 3:30 Asmund Thorsen sends it with a huge backflip off the mountain. The scenery is just overwhelming, with the end of the video showing the guys skiing towards the fjord to end their trip. #bucketlist
Picture of Mark Stokmans

Mark Stokmans

Since I can remember I have been very active in many different sports: started with baseball, tennis and riding later hockey, football, running and aikido. In addition, since twelve years old I've been into actionports: at first windsurfing, later climbing, inline skating, snowboarding, mountain biking. With the first action cams coming onto the market I've been making action sports videos. Furthermore, I've worked in the sports industry since 1990, sports marketing, media and live TV and until the end of 2016 at the Dutch Olympic Committee. Besides being partner in GearLimits I work as a digital freelancer. Based in the Netherlands, Married with Children (11 and 13 years old)
Picture of Mark Stokmans

Mark Stokmans

Since I can remember I have been very active in many different sports: started with baseball, tennis and riding later hockey, football, running and aikido. In addition, since twelve years old I've been into actionports: at first windsurfing, later climbing, inline skating, snowboarding, mountain biking. With the first action cams coming onto the market I've been making action sports videos. Furthermore, I've worked in the sports industry since 1990, sports marketing, media and live TV and until the end of 2016 at the Dutch Olympic Committee. Besides being partner in GearLimits I work as a digital freelancer. Based in the Netherlands, Married with Children (11 and 13 years old)


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