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1200 meters vertical at 71 degrees north: the Mirror Wall

“I quite like how obscure this thing is. It’s not the biggest, it’s not the best, it’s not the tallest, it’s not the most famous; nobody knows about this thing. It’s quite unique within this landscape: I like things that stand out.” The first words off Leo Houlding about this documentary film on climbing the Mirror Wall, a 1200m slab of vertical rock in Greenland. Leo has done many, countless climbs all over the world, but this is the first one he attempted as a dad. And that changes things. Certainly, when a softball-sized granite rock hits Leo as he is resting in his hammock suspended off the cliff, destroys his sleeping bag and realizes the rock could have been bigger. Watch the full length below. And see if you can spot the African Ninja 😉
Picture of Mark Stokmans

Mark Stokmans

Since I can remember I have been very active in many different sports: started with baseball, tennis and riding later hockey, football, running and aikido. In addition, since twelve years old I've been into actionports: at first windsurfing, later climbing, inline skating, snowboarding, mountain biking. With the first action cams coming onto the market I've been making action sports videos. Furthermore, I've worked in the sports industry since 1990, sports marketing, media and live TV and until the end of 2016 at the Dutch Olympic Committee. Besides being partner in GearLimits I work as a digital freelancer. Based in the Netherlands, Married with Children (11 and 13 years old)
Picture of Mark Stokmans

Mark Stokmans

Since I can remember I have been very active in many different sports: started with baseball, tennis and riding later hockey, football, running and aikido. In addition, since twelve years old I've been into actionports: at first windsurfing, later climbing, inline skating, snowboarding, mountain biking. With the first action cams coming onto the market I've been making action sports videos. Furthermore, I've worked in the sports industry since 1990, sports marketing, media and live TV and until the end of 2016 at the Dutch Olympic Committee. Besides being partner in GearLimits I work as a digital freelancer. Based in the Netherlands, Married with Children (11 and 13 years old)


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