
New Garmin Virb X and XE Action Cams: Tell Your Story With Data


It wasn’t long ago that we tested the Garmin Virb Elite action camera. At that time one of our conclusion was that the unique selling point of the Garmin was the possibility of integrating GPS data with your footage. That made it possible to really tell the viewer more about what you’re raddest moments: how fast were you going? how high were you? was your heart rate off the chart? The camera didn’t excel as far as video specs were concerned, and the audio was just really poor.

“Without data, it’s just video”

It seems Garmin must have read our review (though, admittedly, it was published in Dutch) or, more likely it got more of this kind of feedback, and really is focusing on its core strengt: data. With the release of the Garmin X and XE, it has pushed the role of data even more to the forefront. “Without data, it’s just video” is summarizes explains this focus on video. And I do get that. Video is and always has been, about telling a story. Stats and graphic overlays add context and conversely, strength to the narrative of the video.

The data sets that can be included in your video with the Garmin G-Metrix system, include data that the camera itself van generate from the built in GPS Sensors,

  • Speed, Distance, G-Force, Elevation,

and data that can be included by integrating sensor data from other connected Garmin Device’s:

  • Heart RatePedaling Cadence Aircraft AltitudeTrack Angle/HeadingWater DepthApparent Wind AngleApparent Wind SpeedTrue Wind Speed,  Heart Rate Strap: Heart Rate, Tempe: TemperatureEngine RPMTorqueEngine Fuel RateTrack Shape

As you can see, it is quite the list of data, relevant for different kind of sports.


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