Dani Arnold Sets New Speed Record at the Matterhorn

Top Swiss mountaineer Dani Arnold sets a new milestone at the beginning of the season on the Matterhorn, climbing the North Face in 1 hour and 46 minutes, and outperforming Ueli Steck’s previous record by 10 minutes. The North Face of the Matterhorn This will be the Matterhorn’s summer. Zermatt is celebrating its own world-renowned […]

TomTom releases new Action Cam: the Bandit

For a long time TomTom was world famous in Holland for its ground breaking navigation equipement. The TomTom Screens could be seen in almost every car and were coveted by every petty criminal. Gradually however, with the advent of navigation apps in smartphones TomTom lost its market share and seemed destined for bankruptcy. However the […]