[vc_message color=”info”]Update 23-07-2018: The reason for this update on the TomTom watch is the fact that after just a few months of use the wristband of the watch has deterioted and a small tear caused the whole band to rip through. We have downgraded the stars awarded for materials use.[/vc_message]
Fitness trackers and watches have almost become a fixed part of the arsenal of the modern and complete athlete. From FitBits to Apple phones, from the gym to alpine environments. There is a lot of choice and variation in what you can find on the market and what kind of features you need for specific activities.
The TomTom adventurer has been on the market for a while now and in the last few month, I have been able to use it for various activities: running, field hockey, swimming, mountain biking, snowboarding, mountain climbing and hiking. The watch is also meant to be used with those different activities (and more) in mind. Conditions varied between hot and cold, dry and wet. Time to take a closer look at the performance of the watch.
For our reviews, we always look at the promise of a product. The adventurer promises to help with statistics and insights for a variety of different sporting activities. With GPS, compass and altimeter, but also a built-in heart rate monitor and insight into your “Fitness Age” and V02max, the Adventurer helps you track and actually understand what you do, as well as how you can improve your level of fitness.
GPS, compass and altimeter
Built-in heart rate monitor
Fitness age and V02max
VO2max is an expression of how high the oxygen level in your blood is and says a lot about your fitness level. Since a recent update of the software, TomTom also offers a kind of fitness coach feature where you can earn fitness points with activities, to improve your “fitness age” and expression of how fit you are. I must honestly say that I have hardly worked with it, I am less susceptible to the motivating influence of this kind of application. However, I have been able to establish that the feature works and that it is interesting to see what effort is actually required of you to maintain or improve your level of fitness. Now that I am writing this review, I may have to do something with it (turns out I may be motivate after all).Ease of Use