As you ride your bike more and more, take it to more places, ride under various circumstances, day or night, you notice that you have slowly been accumulating multi-tools, bike pumps, lighting, saddle bags etcetera. Things have happened on the road or a trail that compelled you to buy one piece, and then another, and slowly and organically your collection of accessories has grown to the point that you realize that accessorizing is really a thing for the more serious bike rider.
And not an unimportant one at that. Where my connotation with the word “accessories” has long been kind of like “stuff that is nice to have, but you don’t really need” we have noticed that when it comes to bikes, accessories, if nothing else, are things you will sorely miss at a certain moment. And in many cases, you cannot do without it.
ik-ˈse-sə-rē , ak- , ek- , -ˈses-rē also ə-ˈse- an object or device that is not essential in itself but adds to the beauty, convenience, or effectiveness of something else – Webster’s dictionary
The start of Lezyne
“Imagine the product, and make it.”
According to Dillon, it has a lot to do with the character of Lezyne’s founder, the German-born former professional triathlete Micki Kozuschek. Before starting Lezyne, Micki owned and operated two other companies that produced bikes and bike components. After selling his last company Truvativ to SRAM, followed by a two-year break from the industry, Micki started Lezyne in 2007. All the experience Micki brought with him and the way his interest and expertise covers the whole product creation chain pervades the entire company. “Micki’s philosophy boils down to a simple statement: ‘Imagine the product, and make it.’ That is what we do, every day.” says Dillon, who was one of Micki’s first hires.
Engineered Design
Product Groups
“At first the LED lights were for fun because you want to ride your bike at night, but it quickly turned to safety because daytime visibility was a major thing.”
In addition to these product groups, Lezyne added GPS head units to their collection of products and eventually started their GPS platform. A website and app in which all the data from the GPS Head units are collected and in which 3rd party services such as Strava can be synced. This platform is a very important part of the future of Lezyne, in which, through, for example, offering training schedules, Lezyne hopes to service their customers with more than accessories only.
There are so many features, the GPS platform is so expansive, it is too much to go into in this article. We will look at that later in conjunction with our reviews of GPS-Head units. In the meantime, you can check out more information here on Lezyne’s GPS ecosystem.
Working with Athletes
“There’re a lot of different athletes needing different things from the GPS head unit.”