
The Langly 3-layer Fieldjacket for photo/video travellers


Sometimes a particularly interesting Kickstarter campaign comes along we are enthusiastic about. After having spent many, many hours travelling and begin active outdoors, making foto and video on the go, for ourselves and for clients we were particularly interested in the Langly Field Jacket.

One of the challenges of filming on the move, documentary style is that you want your gear close at hand, ready to go and easily accessible. I film with a DLSR, and having attachments, lenses, microphones and whatnot close by is really helpful.


The Langly Field Jacket is based on the classic design of a photographers jacket, but luckily they upgraded it to something a lot more fashionable. But the functionality is clear by the large pockets to stow away your stuff safely. And that is the particular thing about this jacket, the many different pockets tailored to specific gear items you would want close to you. I am particularly interested in special pockets to keep extra batteries close to the warmth of your body to counteract the depleting effect of cold environments. However, if the pouch is not lined (because the shell jacket is not lined) the effect will be less.


The Field Jacket is a 3-layer shell jacket that Langly claims will keep you completely drive and wick perspiration moisture from your body. As a good 3-layer shell is supposed to do. The price point of the Photographer version of the jacket will be around $ 435,- dollars. The Kickstarter price at this time is $ 325,-.


Langly is an American brand founded by photographer Evan Lane who searched for the perfect camera bag throughout his career and finally decided to develop one himself. If you want to know more, check out]


If you want to know more about the Langly Fiedljacket check out their Kickstrater page.


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