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Preview OutDoor 2015
Wij kijken weer uit naar de komende week. Dan vindt voor de 21e keer de OutDoor 2015 plaats. We blikken alvast vooruit met wat feiten en cijfers en…
Editors Squad
12 July 2015
Martyn Ashton rips it up on adaptive MTB
I’ve been following the guys from GMBN for quite a while now. Their Youtube channel is a great repository of riding tips, gear tips…
Mark Stokmans
2 July 2015
Laird Hamilton Rips it Easy Style on a JetSurf Board
Looking at this video makes you feel that this is perhaps the greatest feeling of freedom you can have. The rider is Laird Hamilton bigwave surfer,…
Editors Squad
8 June 2015
A Camera named Lily: cheap, easy; but with limitations
You can throw it around, it’s waterproof and it follows you where you want to go. What else would you want in a camera. Enter Lily. An easy to…
Mark Stokmans
19 May 2015
The 9 X-Alps Gear Essentials
Covering a straight-line distance of 1,038km across the Alps by foot and paraglider is a huge undertaking. The equipment the athletes carry on the…
Editors Squad
19 May 2015
Klimmer en Basejumper Dean Potter omgekomen
Afgelopen zaterdag is de Amerikaanse klimlegende en basejumper Dean Potter (43) om het leven gekomen bij een basejump-ongeluk. Potter stond te boek…
Editors Squad
18 May 2015
Business Wetsuit van Quiksilver
Voor wie moeite heeft ’s-ochtends vóór het werk nog even een golf te pakken, hebben Quiksilver en een Japans reclamebureau TBWAHAKUHODO, de…
Editors Squad
10 May 2015
Kiteboard Open 2015 – The Miami Vice Edition
Save the date! Over 17 dagen vindt alweer de elfde (!) editie van het Noordwijkse Kiteboard Open plaats (KBO). De beste kiteboarders tonen hun…
Editors Squad
6 May 2015
TomTom releases new Action Cam: the Bandit
For a long time TomTom was world famous in Holland for its ground breaking navigation equipement. The TomTom Screens could be seen in almost every…
Editors Squad
30 April 2015
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