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Jeremy Jones’ own film – Life of Glide
Jeremy Jones, one of the greatest snowboarders of all time, will soon be shown in his film: Life of Glide. Think of the ruthless mountain landscapes,…
Hayco Volkers
12 December 2017
In The Long Run: splitboarding in Mongolia
It’s now been almost two weeks since we were in Stubai to ride and review 15 great snowboards (more about that later this week!). One of our…
Editors Squad
21 November 2017
Ode to the most creative freeride skiër ever – JP Auclair
In this ode The North Face athlete Tom Wallisch ski’s through the streets of Nelson, British Columbia. He is the skiër in the daydream of…
Hayco Volkers
6 November 2017
Trailer: Capturing The Terrifying Side Of Chamonix in ‘Waking Dream’
Skier Sam Favret and snowboarder Julien Herry teamed up to create a film that captures the extreme alpine nature that defines Chamonix. The World…
Hayco Volkers
6 October 2017
E.O.F.T. weer van start – met Simone Moro als anchorman
Vanaf oktober doet de European Outdoor Film Tour (E.O.F.T.) Nederland weer aan. Boegbeeld van dit seizoen is een oude bekende van GearLimits, Simone…
Editors Squad
17 August 2017
A Greek surf mission
When asking people to choose a surf destination little chance you will hear Greece. Nixon surfers Marlon Lipke, Yannick De Jager and Gony Zubizarreta…
Hayco Volkers
6 June 2017
Just because we miss snow already – Seeking Nirvana
I miss the snow, and I am guessing I am not the only one. So when I came across this edit I sat back to enjoy. Four Canadians, (Mike Henitiuk, Joe…
Mark Stokmans
4 May 2017
International Ocean Film Tour – Vol. 4
Vanaf 6 mei is voor de vierde keer de International Ocean Film Tour in Nederland. Dit maal met zijn indrukwekkende avontuur- en reisverhalen rondom…
Hayco Volkers
25 April 2017
Grand Canyon Raft Speed Record Attempt
The US Whitewater rafting team pushed for more than 39 hours on one hell of a custom raft to attempt a record-setting descent of the Grand Canyon,…
Hayco Volkers
31 March 2017
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