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100 Jaar Ski Fashion in een paar minuten
We hebben natuurlijk niet altijd high-tec rond gelopen op de berg met 3 lagen thermo, Gore-Tex shells en helmen. Er was een tijd waar in hout, wol…
Mark Stokmans
19 April 2016
Skitest voor Piste Ski’s 2015-2016 – Nederlandse Ski Vereniging
Bij GearLimits proberen we zo veel mogelijk outdoor en action sports gear zelf te testen en te reviewen. Ten eerste omdat het gewoon ontzettend leuk…
Mark Stokmans
9 February 2016
Op wintersport en zeker van een goede verzekering?
Vorig jaar hebben we uitgebreid stilgestaan bij de wijze waarop “bijzondere” sporten, of “risicovolle” sporten worden…
Mark Stokmans
20 December 2015
Thoughts on safety during Action Sports
At GearLimits we love our outdoor and action sports. We love going out on a trail, hitting the slopes, going higher up in the mountains, walking…
Mark Stokmans
6 August 2015
Speedflyer Arnaud Longobardi nails epic landing in a moving cable car
Holy flying feets Batman, you’ve got competition. In this case the 43-year-old Arnaud Longobardi who decides to embark a moving cable car the…
Editors Squad
26 June 2015
Just Great Marketing: by The North Face
Would you drop everything you were doing to go on an unknown adventure? That’s the question put to New Yorkers getting into a very special…
Editors Squad
17 June 2015
Just Really beautiful: Ben & Denali
“He said that if somebody you loves walks through the door, even if it happens five times a day, you should go totally insane with joy.”…
Editors Squad
10 June 2015
Rabbit vs Avalanche: 1-0
What were you thinking Mr. Rabbit? Reminds me of how at times animals just seemed to go out of their way to get in the path of danger. Maybe this is…
Editors Squad
9 June 2015
Laird Hamilton Rips it Easy Style on a JetSurf Board
Looking at this video makes you feel that this is perhaps the greatest feeling of freedom you can have. The rider is Laird Hamilton bigwave surfer,…
Editors Squad
8 June 2015
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