
Snowman kickstarter campagne


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Help met de voltooiing van Switchback Entertainment’s aankomende en spannende avondvullende documentaire over de risico’s en redding in de bergen, Snowman. Switchback bevindt zich momenteel in de definitieve stadium van postproductie van de film, en heeft een Kickstarter campagne gelanceerd om door te pakken, zoals sound design en mixen, muziek, illustraties en marketing materiaal, verzekeringen en andere zaken waar je in eerste instantie niet aan denkt bij het maken van een film. Om dit project via kickstarter te steunen klik hierAbout Snowman Ascending deep into the mountains aboard a helicopter loaded with 500 pounds of explosives, Kevin Fogolin is tasked with mitigating a potentially destructive avalanche that threatens a big-business hydro-electric project. After lighting the fuse and deploying a 50 pound bomb, the unthinkable happens… As the helicopter slams into the mountain, Fogolin knows he is going to die. Having spent most of his life trying to break the shackles of small town expectations, Fogolin finally pairs his career with his passion for snow – until everything is snatched away in an instant. Through a series of events stranger than fiction, he survives, and in the aftermath ultimately achieves the life he and his best friend dreamt of as kids. Set in the dramatic mountains of British Columbia, Canada, Snowman is a film about risk, friendship, dreams, family, fear and redemption.


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