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The word epic is thrown about quite a lot in action sports, and normally I am a proponent of using hyperbole a bit sparingly. But this edit is in…
Dry feet are happy feet. Happy feet make for smiles in the snow. And no, this review has nothing to do with penguins. It has to do with the sheer…
With the Specialized Camber Expert, Specialized has wanted to produce a complete trail bike, a rear all-mountain machine that can get up to speed and…
Tires are an essential part of your bike, and the size, profile, the kind and placement of the lugs and rubber compound are all elements that…
This is going to be a bit of a strange review. Simply because I did not actually buy the Salomon Speedcross 4 shoes for which they were made, and…
Recently I had an interesting conversation with former Olympic Champion MTB, Bart Brentjens about how you should review a bike. What components are…
The Nitro SupraTeam is back again. Where in 2008 it was a (currently) latest version on the market, Nitro has reintroduced the board this year. The…
The DC Telegraph is a women’s specific snowboard with an elegant yet bold graphic design, in which the beautiful wood grain in particular…
The Trek Fuel EX 8 is Trek’s best selling trail bike. An enduro / all-mountain bike that promises to be very versatile with its ample travel of…